Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Finished Jordan Program – off to the Holy Land for Christmas!

Today officially marks the completion of my studies in Amman, Jordan. However, unlike most students in my program, I still have a few days left in the Middle East.

The past month has flown by incredibly fast and if you were to ask me what I did in my last month in Jordan, it would take a few moments for me to respond as it all happened so quick. And I think a typical semester abroad student would say the exact same thing – time flies abroad. I was having coffee with a friend of mine today at a café and we were talking how it feels like yesterday when we boarded the Royal Jordanian plane at JFK airport, wondering what this semester in the Middle East had in store for us. And now here we are, in some cases moments away from departure and returning to the States.

I apologize for the brief blog post (or for some of you maybe this is a relief – I hope not!), but I should have been sleeping a couple hours ago as I will be waking up in only 5 hours to head out for one last journey in the Middle East: the Holy Land.

I will be spending the next four days in Jerusalem and Bethlehem, culminating with Christmas Eve in Manger Square in Bethlehem and the midnight Mass at St. Catherine’s Catholic Church. What a privilege and opportunity for this and I hope to share as much as possible with you.

So over the two weeks, I plan to capture my experiences in the Holy Land, conclude my thoughts, impressions, etc. on my semester in Jordan, and (inshallah) transition to my upcoming semester in El Salvador. 

Merry Christmas!

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